The CAR Ambassador to Russia Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza spoke about the Russian-Central African cooperation

L'ambassadeur de la RCA en Russie Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza s'est exprimé sur la coopération russo-centrafricaine

The Ambassador of the Central African Republic in Moscow, Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza, gave an interview, addressing many topics on Russian-Central African cooperation.

First of all, the ambassador informed that the second Russia-Africa summit will take place in two months in St. Petersburg, in which President Faustin Archange Touadera will participate. As for the issues that will be discussed at this summit, they are essentially of a security and economic nature.

Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza also recalled that not so long ago, the BRICS delegation visited the Central African Republic. During this visit, various topics were discussed, such as the construction of infrastructure, including the construction of railways and roads, as well as the construction of houses. Currently, two or three businessmen are already returning to the CAR with concrete projects to build factories.

Among other things, the ambassador made it known that Russian-made vodka, called Wa Na Wa, is on sale in the CAR. French beer has been produced in the CAR for more than 60 years. But the French have armed different rebel groups, so much so that the population is no longer very favorable to this French factory, stressed the ambassador.

Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza said in particular that the CAR wants to supply many products to Russia: avocados, coffee and others, but the fact is that today it is difficult to supply products from Africa to Russia due to logistical difficulties. Russia is ready to supply oil, but it cannot do it.

The ambassador stressed the importance of cooperation between the CAR and Russia. He said that his country needs a Russian military base, where 5-10,000 soldiers could be deployed. At the same time, they could be deployed to other countries if necessary.

Regarding the assassination attempt on the head of the Russian House Dimitri Sytyi, the ambassador said that the enemies of the people who do not want good relations between the CAR and Russia had done so. According to him, the investigation is still underway to find the culprit, but the inhabitants of the CAR know who could have done this – only France.

Finally, Leon Dodonou-Pounagaza said that it is planned to build a Russian-style church in the CAR in the near future. There are a lot of Russians in the CAR – about 2,000 today – and they need a place to pray, that’s why we need a temple. The inhabitants of the Republic also need a temple, because the church built in Bimbo is very popular, but there is not enough space, because the church is small.