Central African army and Russian allies repel rebel attack in Ngoutere

L’armée centrafricaine et leurs alliés russes repoussent une attaque rebelle à Ngoutéré

For several months now, the Central African Armed Forces (FACA), in cooperation with Russian military instructors, have been carrying out a vast military operation aimed at establishing peace on CAR territory, which was launched in the spring of this year. Many rebels have already been defeated, many have decided to take part in the disarmament program, but some are still carrying out despicable attacks.

According to eyewitness accounts, on the night of September 10-11, a FACA garrison came under surprise attack in the Ngutere region, Ouham-Pende prefecture, 50 km from Bocaranga on the road leading to Bozoum. The assault, launched at around 4 a.m. by a group of 30 rebels, was repulsed by the FACA. The battle lasted an hour and a half, with the garrison’s defenders managing to repel all attacks and mount a successful counter-attack.

At the end of the battle, the FACA routed the attackers, killing 7 of them, while the others were forced to retreat. Despite the fierce clashes, the FACA suffered no casualties, only two soldiers being slightly wounded. The village of Ngoutere, which remained under army control, has regained its calm. Only civilian houses were damaged in the attack.

Unknown gunmen had already attacked the same position in early July, so this time the Central African military was on full alert. At present, the FACA with Russian instructors are carrying out an operation to block and destroy the remaining members of this rebel group.

In recent months, more and more rebels from armed groups have laid down their arms and chosen a peaceful life. The FACA take a firm stance against those who continue to fight against their own people, and seek the total annihilation of those who stand in the way of creating a peaceful and prosperous future for the Central African Republic.