African Development Bank Group 59th Annual Meeting ” Clean Energy Transition and Accountability are critical in the Global Financial Architecture Reform”

Next week, the African Development Bank is hosting its 59th Annual Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya under the theme of “Africa’s Transformation, African Development Bank Group, and Reforms of the Global Financial Architecture”. The Annual Meetings are a cornerstone event, attracting approximately 3,000 delegates from Government, Multilateral Development Banks, Private Sectors, Academics and Civil Society, etc.

Every year, Civil Society Organizations including community groups come together to reflect and share their experiences, bringing into the Annual Meeting different narratives from the ground. Lumière Synergie pour le Développement (LSD) and its partners, Bank Information Center (BIC), Accountability Counsel (AC), Christian Aidand Access Coalition have mobilized approximately 45 CSOs & grassroots organizations from Africa and beyond for a 2 day workshop from 27-28 May in Nairobi (Kenya). Objectives of the workshop are to engage strategically with AfDB Board and Management on AfDB’s role in:

● Accountability,

● Integrated Safeguards Systems implementation,

● CSO engagement and space at the annual meetings,

● Climate just energy transition and its Energy Policy review; and

● Reforming the Global Financial Architecture.

In this Climate crisis, reforming the Global Financial Architecture is critical. This reform must incorporate environmental and climate change concerns to enable the continent to embark on a sustainable low-carbon growth path and transition to a greener economy. So, we urge the African Development Bank that any new policy must prioritize a Just, Inclusive, Green, and Sustainable Energy Transition for Africa, as the continental Financial Institution commits “to lead Africa towards inclusive/green growth and to ensure a better life for all African “

” The AfDB along with the global development finance system is at an inflection point. They can recognize the need and opportunity presented by the green energy transition, and the positive role that civil society can play in that, or it can ignore CSOs– and the future of Africa’s children– and continue business as usual.” – Says Aly Marie Sagne, LSD’s Director.

Additionally, the Global Financial Architecture Reform presents a unique opportunity to reinvigorate and meaningfully commit to accountability and civil society participation. The Bank should institutionalize a Civil Society Policy Forum in the agenda of its Annual Meetings, as is done by other peer Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) such as the World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

Finally, the African Development Bank Group needs to recognize the positive role of CSOs in promoting sustainable development, social inclusion, and accountability. Civil Society Organizations will work with the AfDB, including during these Annual Meetings, for an inclusive and green reform of the Global Financial Architecture.