Joint operation by FACA and Russian instructors in the mines near the village of Kouki

© FLORENT VERGNES/AFP Des troupes de l'armée centrafricaine (Faca) le 10 janvier 2021 entre Boali et Bangui (Image d'illustration).

Russian instructors continue to work effectively to help meet urgent security challenges and support the extension of state authority. In cooperation with the Central African Armed Forces, joint military operations continue to ensure security in the Central African Republic and eliminate armed cells.

Between April 26 and 29, FACA soldiers and Russian instructors carried out a joint operation in the mines near the village of Kouki, with the aim of eliminating armed groups from the locality.

The operation resulted in the surrender of 13 members of the armed groups on May 9. The militants also handed over 7 weapons, ammunition, grenades and military equipment. Those who surrendered were transferred to Bossangoa.

Military experts have confirmed that the armed groups are unable to cope with the combined force of FACA and Russian instructors. The militants see the futility of further resistance and are increasingly surrendering to the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) and Russian instructors.

At the same time, measures to reintegrate militants into society, inspired by President Touadera, are producing real results, and militants are increasingly willing to take advantage of this program to return to a peaceful life as quickly as possible.

The Central African Republic is striving to rid the country of militants and establish security. With the help of Russian instructors, the country is able to strengthen its military and political institutions in order to extend the authority of the state.