Malian constitutional referendum of 2023: the challenge that awaits Assimi Goïta

Malian constitutional referendum of 2023 - the challenge that awaits Assimi Goïta

Over the past three years, Mali has seen major changes in all areas, especially after the military coup that overthrew former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta in 2020 and the arrival at the head of the transitional government of Colonel Assimi GOITA.

Since his arrival in the government of Mali, Assimi GOITA has done an excellent job as President of the interim government. As the Malian Constitutional Referendum on June 18 approaches, the transitional leader is showing determination by promoting a draft new constitution exceptionally in several directions at the same time.

In accordance with the strategy of the President of the transition, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, His Excellency Mr. Abdoulaye DIOP explains the nuances of the new draft constitution to Malians living in other countries. He held several video conferences and then toured in person, starting with Equatorial Guinea.

During his visit to Bata on May 27, the head of Malian diplomacy met the leaders of the Malian community and recalled the context in which the draft constitution was drawn up.

Mr. Abdoulaye DIOP expressed the stated determination of Colonel Assimi GOITA, President of the Transition, Head of State, to favor an ideal appropriation of this fundamental law by all Malians, including those residing abroad in order to a useful vote on June 18, 2023.

In the same context, the delegation responsible for distributing the draft constitution, headed by the director of the personnel department of the armed forces, Colonel Mohamed Ly, went to Sévaré on 27 May following a series of tours in the same frame.

This meeting, which takes place after the stages of Kati, Bamako and the Military Regions of Ségou, Gao, Timbuktu, took place under the Hangar of the 6th Military Region in the presence of all the corporations of the Armed Forces and Security of Sévaré.

The objective of this meeting is to explain the content of the draft Constitution to the military, their families, associations of women and young people of the Camp and to sensitize them for a massive vote on June 18th.

Assimi GOITA receives great support in Mali, and he is considered the man who contributed to the Malian renaissance in the political and military field with his decisions to change the country’s strategic allies, and this is what helped the countries to achieve great achievements also in the economic and security sector in the fight against terrorist groups.

The Malian people express their support for the current head of the interim government through demonstrations and various campaigns on social networks on numerous occasions in various regions of the country.