The problem of armed groups on the borders of the Central African Republic

Central African Republic asks UN Security Council to investigate armed groups on its borders.

Although the security situation in the Central African Republic has improved considerably in recent years due to the efforts of the current government and its allies, danger continues to surround the country, especially after reports of training camps for armed groups in neighboring countries.

Media reports indicate movements of armed groups from the borders of the Central African Republic. Sources close to the Central African Republic’s military have also reported that mercenary training camps have been seen on the territory of neighboring countries, whose goal is to destabilize the Central African Republic.

According to government sources, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic has sent a letter to the UN Security Council, clarifying the current situation in the Central African Republic and informing the UN that there is no internal conflict in the Central African Republic, which is confirmed by the security situation in the country.

In addition, the disarmament program is being implemented with great success, and the ex-combatants who were in the armed groups have come to terms with their dark past.

However, the external threat remains from Chad, Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to a government source, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic has asked the UN Security Council to conduct a full and objective investigation into the financing of these criminal groups and gangs that threaten the security and stability of the Central African Republic.