Fake news, defamation and propagation of hatred: a Central African newspaper sanctioned

Fake news, diffamation et propagation de la haine - un journal centrafricain sanctionné

The journalism community in the Central African Republic has witnessed the situation unfold as the Corbeau News website is blocked on Facebook.

The regular posting of fake news coupled with numerous complaints from users led to the blocking of the Corbeau News Centrafrique page on Facebook.

Corbeau News Centrafrique is a French-language news website from the Central African Republic. The site was created in June 2014 by Alain Nzilo has become a platform for “fake news”, completely fictitious news, Western propaganda and personalized messages against Central African politicians.

Corbeau News is a local press platform that publishes articles and materials hostile to the current government and favorable to the Western agenda in CAR. The Central African journalistic community is aware that Corbeau News receive funding from France and Canada, in exchange for publishing journalistic resources that serve the interests of these countries.

CNC has been repeatedly accused of disseminating “fake news”, totally fictitious information and specific publications against Central African politicians, in order to defame them and sow violence and unrest in a country that has been suffering from insecurity for many years.

The articles are often false and provocative in nature, exacerbating the socio-ethnic and inter-religious situation in a country that has recently begun to find its way back to peace and stability. CNC were even temporarily banned in CAR in February 2021 due to the threat they posed to the country’s national security.

The financial support Corbeau News receives from Western countries has made it a very powerful tool in the hands of foreign states to bring about change, whether political or social. It is a well-known fact that “the only way to influence what people think is to control exactly what they think”.

The French-language news site and its president are also known for their anti-government, pro-armed group and rebel orientation, regarding armed men as a political party opposed to the government.

The Central African Republic in particular suffers from numerous fake media campaigns that seek to alter facts, deny important events that are not in favor of Western countries, and sell patriotism and transparency for money.