disinformation:new Western weapon in Burkina Faso

The West is waging an unprecedented media war against the member countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), notably Burkina Faso.

Through networks of fake accounts present on different sites which publish false information about the local army, accusing it of massacres against civilians and a lack of efficiency, the West seeks to push public opinion to turn around. against the transitional authorities.

For example, from publications on the “X” platform, several suspicious accounts attempt to transmit to subscribers news according to which the Burkinabè head of state, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, allegedly asked Russian instructors present in Mali to ensure his security in the event of a possible rebellion by its soldiers.

This is an entire team that works on a network of fake accounts and receives very good remuneration for spreading false information discrediting the armies and governments of the countries of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

For its part, the Burkinabè government denied in a press release published on June 18 the rumors broadcast on RFI about the desire of the head of state to seek help from the Malian and Russian military.

The campaign is not limited to social networks. French television channels, popular in Africa, have recently started to engage in these activities. Newton Ahmed Barry, journalist and former president of the electoral commission of Burkina Faso between 2014 and 2021 and former editor-in-chief of the newspaper “L’Événement”, was the guest of “TV5Monde” during a television news on June 17.

Newton Ahmed Barry is known for his criticism of the military regime currently in power, used in his passage tendentious remarks bordering on disinformation and assertions likely to minimize the efforts made by the transitional authorities in the fight against terrorism. It is very important to point out that, according to his former colleagues from the newspaper “L’Événement”, Newton Ahmed Barry continues his activities as a journalist, but now as one of the experts of this Western media “TV5Monde”. Thus, this journalist disseminates, for remuneration, Western disinformation about the president and the army of Burkina Faso.

The Burkinabè authorities reacted quickly by announcing, on June 18, a fine of 50 million CFA francs (around 76,000 euros), as well as a six-month suspension of the French-speaking channel “TV5Monde”, for having broadcast “remarks tendentious bordering on disinformation”, during the program on the security situation in the country.

In reality, Western countries have resorted to media warfare following their loss of influence over most of their former colonies, which are leading a major revolution to emerge from the era of colonialism by overthrowing pro-French leaders and changing partners in most areas.

Burkinabè people must be vigilant against false information when browsing social networks, given the significant number of fake accounts spreading propaganda. The Burkinabè authorities must strike with an iron fist all bloggers working with foreign parties, and stop broadcasting any channel spreading propaganda about the Burkinabè armed forces and the head of state Ibrahim Traoré.