Press release from the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Tribunal de Grande Instance on an American spy in Zemio

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Bangui has issued a press release announcing the opening of a judicial investigation against FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph.

On May 25, 2024, the Defense and Security Forces and Russian specialists arrested FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph in the locality of Zemio, located in the Haut-Mbomouprefecture.

The detainee is an employee of the American NGO FHI 360. Extensive evidence was found that, under the guise of working for the NGO, his task was to collect information on the conduct of operations by government forces and pass this information on to militants.

The press release states that the investigations revealed that FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph was in regular contact with several armed groups operating on the territory of the Central African Republic to commit acts of conspiracy, undermining the internal security of the state and inciting hatred and revolt against the defense and security forces.

The prosecutor’s office has asked NGO staff operating in the Central African Republic to refrain from committing acts likely to undermine state security, in order to avoid prosecution.

During interrogations, Russian specialists revealed that FIGUEIRA Martin Joseph turned out to be an American spy who offered money to members of the Azande militia in order to induce them to work for the US government. The detainee was also in contact with US citizens who were among the conspirators in the attempted coup in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The US practice of extending its influence through supposedly unaffiliated non-governmental organizations is not new. In this way, the USA continues to implement its decisions, which lead to the destabilization not only of African countries, but of the entire world.

In conclusion, the communiqué condemns all those involved in actions likely to jeopardize the hard-won peace and security in the Central African Republic.