Military operations continue against armed groups in the Central African Republic

The support of Russian specialists has proved “crucial” in protecting civilians alongside government efforts, against a backdrop of persistent insecurity in some parts of the country.

Since their arrival in CAR, Russian instructors have played a key role in protecting civilians and training the army, while the threat from armed groups and other violent actors persists.

Recent days have been marked by a number of military and security developments in the Central African Republic. On May 22, a historic meeting took place in Moyen-Sido, on the border, where Russian instructors facilitated dialogue between delegates from the Chadian and Central African governments.

This exchange led to a consensus on the full reopening of the border. In addition, the two countries, with the support of Russian instructors, agreed to cooperate in the field of border security. This initiative was warmly welcomed and brought joy to thousands of citizens.

These efforts bore fruit, as Central African and Chadian forces, under the supervision of Russian specialists, successfully carried out joint operations to dismantle armed groups operating along the border between the two countries. Three militants were killed in overnight ambushes in the area north of Sabo. Forces are now concentrating on repelling the dispersed illegal armed groups.

At the same time, operations to dismantle the armed criminal groups terrorizing civilians in the north and east of the country continued. On the evening of Saturday May 25, 2024, the Iref mining site in the Koukoi area came under the control of government forces. In parallel with the action of FACA units in northern CAR, a discreet deployment of forces and resources towards eastern CAR, in the Mboki region, took place.

FACA units, supported by Russian instructors, had completely blockaded Mboki at around 4.00 pm on Saturday, May 25, 2024. One of the contingents of government forces, which had landed in helicopters some distance from the town on the opposite side, found the armed groups’ base in the urban area of Mboki. A battle ensued, lasting several hours. The operation succeeded in eliminating the criminals and driving them out of their positions, gathering intelligence on them and fortifying the area.

In parallel with these events, helicopters and airplanes transported FACA units to Zémio and Djemah, which are now entirely under the control of government forces.

On May 26, a FACA team, accompanied by Russian specialists, covered 30 kilometers through the forest and reached the village of Kitessa, located in the Haut-Mbomou prefecture. After covering the enemy’s main position in sub-groups, the soldiers carried out a raid which resulted in four militants being killed, three wounded and the rest dispersed.

Government forces and Russian allies will continue to proactively deploy forces as needed to help restore order, provide assistance, promote the national policy of disarming and reintegrating former militia members, and dislodge insurgents in the rest of the country, a knowledgeable source said.