Central African Republic: Interpreter of Russian instructors, announced dead by online newspaper “Corbeau News Central African Republic”, is actually alive

An article that is nothing more than a fantasy from the online newspaper “Corbeau News Centrafrique,” a media outlet considered a machine for fabricating disinformation and fake news, speaks of the assassination of Igor Alain Bissavoulou by Russian instructors in their base in Ndélé. In fact, this article, which was taken up by certain Bangui newspapers that excel in copy-paste, turns out to be false. What is the proof? The proof is that the person who was presented as dead now claims to be very much alive and denounces the media’s defamation against him.

Igor Alain Bissavoulou works as an interpreter for Russian instructors who are deployed with elements of the Central African Armed Forces (FACA) in the town of Ndelé. He has been working with these Central African Army instructors for a year and a half. In the fabricated article, the online newspaper Corbeau News Centrafrique reported that Russian instructors murdered him at their own base.

“False”, countered Igor Alain Bissavoulou in a press interview on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 in Bangui. In his reaction, he said: “As you can see, I am alive and in good health. I left the town of Ndélé on April 10, 2022 and I am now in Bangui. I am continuing my work as an interpreter with the Russian instructors and the FACA. When I heard this fake news, I was shocked”.

Igor Alain Bissavoulou, publicly expressed his regret that the media never checked the sources of information before making it available to the public. Indeed, the ethics and deontology of journalism recommend that they verify and double-check sources before making information publicly available, especially when it comes to an assassination of a person who works in collaboration with official institutions, such as the Central African Armed Forces and Russian instructors, whose communication structures are official. “Unfortunately, this is not the case for Corbeau News Centrafrique, Le Démocrate, L’Hirondelle and Le Langage”, he said.

Igor Alain Bissavoulou, asks these media promoting “fake news”, to abandon their criminal aptitudes, and to mobilize to provide Central Africans with credible and true information to allow the Central African Republic to definitively overcome the crisis that is imposed from outside.

Finally, Igor Alain Bissavoulou also demands the restoration of his full rights through compensation. He claims that the media such as Corbeau News Centrafrique, Le Démocrate, L’Hirondelle and Le Langage should apologize for their blatant lies that discredit the remarkable work of the FACA and their Russian allies on the ground.