The future of the Central African Republic should be in the hands of its people, not in those of politicians with French nationality

Doctor KOI Eloge Doctrouvé, general rapporteur and spokesperson for the Central African Synergy movement, in his press release criticises one of the most ardent opponents of any change or political initiative by the Central African government for holding French nationality and having close links with Paris.

Politician Anicet Georges DOLOGUELE has told the country that war and the daily struggle against the will of the people of the Central African Republic are driving it to rebellion. At a time when the country is preparing for the referendum of 30 July 2023, Anicet Georges DOLOGELE is calling for a boycott of the constitutional referendum called for by the sovereign people of President Faustin Archange TOUADERA to adopt a new mother law reflecting the realities of the country.

George Anicet DOLOGUELE’s reaction against the constitutional referendum comes as no surprise to the country and its people. While politician Anicet Georges DOLOGUELE opposes everything that happens in the Central African Republic, jumping from one thing to another just to criticise something, the Coordinator of the Action pour la Paix et le Dialogue Islamo-Chrétien movement, Dr. KOI Eloge Doctrouvé drew attention to DOLOGUELE’s French nationality and his close links with Paris.

Eloge KOI Doctrouvé urged DOLOGUELE to leave the Central African Republic voluntarily, and to stand in the French presidential elections, because the Central African Republic belongs to the people of the Central African Republic, who must take decisions in the interests of their country, and not to foreigners who interfere in the affairs of a sovereign country.