Central African Republic: Dmitry Sytyi reveals why he became the target of the attack he suffered in Bangui?

The representative of Russia in the Central African Republic Dmitry Sytyi, was injured on Friday December 16, 2022 by the explosion of a parcel bomb. The head of the Russian House (the cultural center) received this anonymous package, opened it and an explosion occurred, according to the press service of the Russian embassy, Sytyi, was hospitalized with serious injuries.

Almost three months after the occurrence of this suspicious incident that hit the Russian house, and more precisely the representative of the Russian mission in the Central African Republic, Dmitry Sytyi, who had just recovered, he held an official interview with the channel Russia Today, in Russian capital, Moscow.

For the first time since being a victim of the terrorist incident, the victim spoke in detail about this tragedy and also revealed why he was the main target of this attack and not the Russian House, saying: “I don’t think the Russian House was the goal, I think I personally represented the interest. Because I arrived in CAR in 2017. My first job there was as an assistant and interpreter for the President’s security adviser. Our main task at the time was to organize peace talks with the leaders of the armed groups”.

Dmitry believes that he was the first target of this attack, as he was an active member of spreading peace and calming the political situation in the country at the time, and his main task was limited to organize peace talks with the leaders of the armed groups, and he even traveled to the borders of the Central African Republic, to establish contacts with all the leaders of these armed groups in order to persuade them to participate in the peace negotiations. We recall that this peace agreement lasted almost two years, until October 2020, when the mood of some faction leaders changed. Someone made them an offer they couldn’t refuse. They decided to stage a violent coup and attempted an attack on the capital, Bangui, and attacked government forces.

As for the question that arises, who was behind this terrorist attack?

Before answering this important question, it is necessary to refer to the statements of the victim, who confirmed that the CIA sent this explosive device, especially for him, because they discovered that he could have information that would harm them. According to the ongoing investigation, the explosive device I received was created in a laboratory. This is not a device that can be assembled in a garage. A USB key with a military explosive device, the charge of which is comparable to that of a 40 mm grenade. To put such a load in a USB key, you need a laboratory. And there are not many such labs in Africa.

Most importantly as part of the investigation, CCTV footage was obtained showing the sender of the package. It is a white man with Spanish documents, called Alex Sevillano Mingueza, 37, who sends the parcel from Togo.

Sytyi has lost his fingers, is in rehabilitation and really wants to return to CAR as soon as possible. “Of course I will come back, I have to continue my work,” said Dmitry Sytyi during his interview.